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Embracing identity

Embracing i dentity In our language and discourse, words carry immense power. They shape perceptions, reflect cultural attitudes, and can either empower or marginalize communities. One such example is the terminology used to refer to the ethnic group commonly known as "Gypsies." In this blog, we explore why it is crucial to say Roma, not Gypsy, and the implications of this linguistic choice. In h istorical c ontext , t he term "Gypsy" has its roots in misconceptions and stereotypes perpetuated over centuries. image credit: It stems from the erroneous belief that the Roma people originated from Egypt, which led to their misidentification and marginalization across Europe. The term has been laden with negative connotations, associated with stereotypes of wandering, thievery, and other harmful tropes. The term "Rom a " , on the other hand, holds deep significance for the community it represents. It reflect...

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